Hotel Sustainability | Eco-Friendly Ideas

Having an eco-home is becoming more apparent for consumers with eco-conscious lifestyles. This, therefore, leads them to carry this expectation out of their homes and into their hotels and travel destinations. Adopting green practises is becoming an effective method of maintaining competitiveness in the market and of course the main objective being the care of the planet. Here are some of the best ways to make your hotel sustainable and practices that you can shout out about.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies

Offering a safer, more natural environment to guests can be done through ditching conventional cleaning supplies and replacing them with green cleaning products. It’s now become common for hotels to use bio-based cleaning products in replacement for chlorine and petrochemical-based cleaners that can pollute the planet and be harsh on your skin. 

Serve Local and Organic Food

Sustainable cuisine is up there with one of the most important factors for today’s guests. As a hotel, if you can offer local, organic, seasonal foods then you’ll be ensuring your guests are consuming fresh, eco-friendly meals. One huge benefit of serving local and organic food is the response from the local community - you’re helping the locals, bring travellers closer and contribute to the unique culture.

Conserve Energy

There are many ways to effectively save energy and money at the same time, what’s not to love? Making simple changes such as switching to long-lasting LED lights to reduce electricity usage, installing skylights in communal areas to use natural lighting in the day. Other ways to drastically reduce energy use in hotels can be from energy-saving kitchens, laundry and air conditioning equipment. On the more luxury side, if your resort has a swimming pool, consider solar water heating systems.

Reduce Water Waste

Water is a limited source, therefore the less water that is being wasted, the better. Hosting numerous guests throughout the year at your resort will always utilise a lot of water, therefore saving as much as possible will conserve energy use and money. Installing such equipment such as low-flow showerheads and toilets will greatly reduce water waste on a daily basis. One top tip - 80% of your hotel’s water usage can be saved through transitioning to low water laundry machines!

Sustainability is steadily becoming a key focus for customers to which guests are expecting it to be yours too. Investing in eco-innovation will save your money, gain your new guests and most importantly, keep existing guests.