Pave Your Way to a Sustainable Future

‘10% of CO2 emissions are eliminated by hotels that choose to go green, the equivalent of planting 1.1 million acres of pine trees’... statistics like these demonstrate how sustainability has been propelled to the forefront of the hotel industry in the last decade. The devastating effect on the environment is undeniable and leaps are still yet to be made to reduce rates of water consumption, energy usage, food waste and the overall impact of a hotel’s carbon footprint.

So what are the big changes coming to the hotel industry? 

As well as hoteliers, guests are also being educated on how they can become more sustainable. Efforts have been made to encourage guests to reduce their ecological footprint and work more with hoteliers, uniting to become part of their eco-friendly practices - for instance, guests are being asked to reuse their towels and linens, minimise waste when possible and maintain recommended room temperatures. Over 65% of guests stated that a hotel’s social and environmental efforts would influence their booking decisions, which further reinforces the importance of becoming environmentally friendly - to reduce your costs, excel guest experiences, drive your hotel’s reputation and most importantly, support the planet.

If you’re questioning whether or not you need advice, ask yourself this: How many of these facts and figures are you familiar with?

‘Sustainability’ is the word on everyone’s lips - and that's exactly why we have partnered up with Green Key to bring you our Go Green Advice Hub! This brand-new feature will offer you an opportunity to unearth the sustainable practices that top green hotels use, and to further amplify your eco-knowledge and learn the solutions to your challenges from the experts themselves. And we’re not stopping at the Go Green Adlivice Hub! Head over to Keynote Theatre 1 at 11:45 a.m on day two of Hotel360 to hear industry giant Alexandra Tollman from Red Carnation Hotels talk about protecting our planet and how to tackle hotel sustainability.

If the statistics in this blog have surprised you as much as they surprised us, it’s evident that we all need advice and tips to become greener. Be sure to attend Hotel360 on the 18th & 19th September at the ExCeL, London and follow us down the sustainable trail to a better future!

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READ NEXT: 4 Benefits of Making Your Hotel Energy Efficient